AWS Data Engineer


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Contract type


Full time

Part time


Computer and IT


Warsaw, Poland

Wrocław, Poland

Poznań, Poland

Gdańsk, Poland

London, UK

Remote option available


Hour: PLN 150.00

Month: PLN 22,800.00

Year: PLN 273,600.00

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Job description

About company
Operates in a hybrid model with an online recruitment process. - Specialists located in multiple locations support clients across various sectors. - Specializes in numerous technologies, including Java, Cloud, .NET, React, and testing. - Delivers cutting-edge data-centric solutions, with a focus on Cloud & Big Data engineering. - Exploring Quantum Computing to identify practical growth opportunities.
- Design and implementation of solutions for processing large and unstructured datasets (Data Mesh, Data Lake, or Streaming Architecture). - Implementing, optimizing, and testing modern DWH/Big Data solutions based on the AWS cloud platform in a Continuous Delivery/Continuous Integration environment. - Improving data processing efficiency and migrating from on-premises to public cloud platforms. - Frequently used technologies include AWS Cloud, Python/PySpark, Glue, Redshift, Snowflake, SQL, and Terraform.
- Requires at least 3 years of experience in Big Data or Cloud projects, specifically in processing and visualizing large and unstructured datasets. - Practical knowledge of the AWS cloud in Storage, Compute (+Serverless), Networking, and DevOps areas, supported by commercial project work experience. - Theoretical AWS cloud knowledge supported with certificates (for example DVA-C01, SAA-C02, SAP-C01, VDS-C01, DAS-C01). - Familiarity with several of the following technologies is necessary: Glue, Redshift, Lambda, Athena, S3, Snowflake, Docker, Terraform, CloudFormation, Kafka, Airflow, Spark. - At least basic knowledge of one of these programming languages: Python/Scala/Java/bash. - A very good command of English is required
Nice to have
(German language would be an advantage).